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Abandonment of young by parents in animals

Last updated on Sunday, May 19, 2024.
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The Abandonment of Young by Parents in Animals

One of the fascinating aspects of animal behavior studied in the field of Ethology is the phenomenon of parental abandonment. In the animal kingdom, we see a variety of strategies that species employ when it comes to caring for their offspring. While many species exhibit remarkable care and dedication towards their young, there are instances where parents choose to abandon their offspring, often for reasons tied to survival and reproduction.

Reasons for Abandonment

There are several reasons why parents may abandon their young in the animal kingdom. One common reason is resource scarcity. In environments where food and resources are limited, parents may prioritize their own survival in order to have a chance at reproducing again in the future. By abandoning their current offspring, they conserve energy and resources for themselves.

Another reason for parental abandonment is when offspring are deemed unfit or unlikely to survive. In some species, parents may practice a form of selective abandonment, focusing their efforts on offspring that show the greatest potential for survival and reproductive success. This ruthless but strategic behavior ensures the passing on of strong genes to the next generation.

Examples in Nature

One striking example of parental abandonment can be observed in certain bird species. Brown-headed cowbirds are known for practicing brood parasitism, where they lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species. Once the cowbird egg hatches, the unsuspecting host parents may raise the cowbird chick as their own, often at the expense of their own offspring. This behavior has evolved as a successful strategy for the cowbirds, allowing them to shift the burden of parental care onto other species.


The phenomenon of parental abandonment in animals sheds light on the complex and sometimes harsh realities of the natural world. While it may seem cruel from a human perspective, these behaviors have evolved over millions of years as strategies for survival and reproductive success. By studying these behaviors, ethologists gain valuable insights into the diverse ways in which animals navigate the challenges of raising offspring in the wild.


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